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Friday, May 11, 2012

Haitian American Fruit Tree Initiative: Most Common Names of Haitian Fruit Trees - Plante Yon Pyebwa Jodi-a (Plant a Tree Today)

Vocabulary - Vocabulary - Haitian Creole Vocabulary: Naming some fruit trees (Nombrando los arboles de fruta en Haiti) Plante - to plant Plante pyebwa fwi - To plant fruit trees Kenep - quenepes - mamoncillos pye zaboka - avocado tree Pye mango - Mango trees Pye sitwon - Lemon trees Pye kokoye - Coconut trees Pye papay - Papaya trees Pistach - Peanut Manba - Peanut butter Pye veritab - Breadfruit tree Pye pech - Peach tree Pye Gwayav - Guava tree Pye grenadin - Passion fruit tree Rasin - Roots Grenn - Grains Diri - Rice Pitimi - millet Pwa - Beans Pwa gougous - Butter beans Tipwa - Peas Mayi moulen - Cornmush yanm - Caribbean or African yams (starchy roots)as in Jamaican yams made famous by Ussain Bolt (sprinter, world champion)

Kenèp – quenepa o mamoncillo, qenip, guinep

Purchase a copy of "Haitian Foods and Fruit Names: Haitian Cuisine and Hiatian Recipes..."> now

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